Frequently Asked Questions
How do I install the Word Add-in
Biblioscape Word add-in can be installed by any user. You don't need to have Windows administrator account to install it. After installation, the add-in will only work when you are logged in to Windows. Even you installed it with Windows administrator account, the add-in will not show when another user login to Windows and run Word.
How do I remove or disable the Word add-in
Biblioscape add-in starts every time when you open Word. If you do not need to use the add-in for some time, you may want to disable or remove it because the references pane occupies space and slows Word startup by a tiny bit.
When you disable or remove Biblioscape Word Add-in, you are the only user affected by this. You don't need to worry about affecting other users.
Is it possible to open another database?
Biblioscape Word add-in will load the last database opened in Biblioscape. If you have more than one database and you want to load another database to the Word add-in, you have to close Word first. Run Biblioscape and click the "Open" button under the "Home" ribbon tab "Database" section. Select the other database to open. The next time you start Word, the other database will be loaded. For most users, having just one database is recommended. You can organize your references into folders instead of creating multiple databases.
You can find references by opening a folder, a collection, etc. Click on the combo box drop down icon, all your references folders, collections, smart collections, and previously entered search terms are listed. You can select one to open. Or you can enter your new search term in the box and press the Enter key.
After you opened a folder or run a search, you can quickly jump to the record you want by typing the first author name. For example, you opened a folder with hundreds of references and you want to cite a reference authored by Smith. You can start typing "sm", the selection will immediately jump to the record you want.
Select the reference you want to cite and drag drop it to the place where you want to cite it. Biblioscape add-in will convert it to formatted citation and add it to the reference list at the end of the document. If your cursor position is already at the place where you want to cite a reference, you can just double click a reference to cite it instead of drag and drop. The formatted citations and reference list will be generated according to your selection in the style combo box.
Cite a reference inside a footnote: If you need to cite references inside a footnote as required by many journals in the fields of art and humanity, you have to select a style that start with "*". These styles are listed at the top of the style list. For example, "Chicago 15th A (notes)", "MLA (notes)", etc. Once the correct style is selected, you can insert a footnote first, then drag and drop the selected reference to the footnote.
How do I apply a different style
You can apply a different style at any time. Just click the style combo box drop down icon and select the style you want. All the citations will be reformatted and the reference list updated accordingly.
Add more styles to the list: Biblioscape comes with 1,000 plus pre-made styles. Only the ones marked Favorite are listed in the style drop down list. To add more styles to the favorite list, go to Biblioscape. Open a reference folder and click the "Styles" button. Click the Favorite check box before the style name to mark it as favorite. Next time you start Word, the marked style will be shown in the favorite styles list.
When citing a reference, sometimes you need to modify how a reference is formatted in citation especially when Author-Date citation style is used. For example, in APA, if the authors are already mentioned in text, you do not need to include author name in the formatted citation inside the parenthesis. In such a case, right click the citation and select "Biblioscape Citation | Exclude Author". In other cases, you may want to add a prefix before the formatted citation like "see also". In this case, you can select "Prefix" and enter "see also ".
You can insert a note with drag and drop. The whole note will be inserted. If you only need to insert part of a note, select the text first and drag the selected text to your document. If a reference has associated notes, the number of notes will be shown in the notes tab. To see all the notes in your database, click the "Notes" tab at the top. You can insert notes from there too with drag and drop.